The work of the Government of BPC Gorazde will be assessed by the public
At the New Year’s Press conference, the Prime Minister, Ministers and Secretary of the Government of Bosnian-Podrinje canton Gorazde gave a short presentation of the work of the Government and things to be remembered in 2005. In his keynote speech, Prime Minister of Bosnian-Podrinje canton Gorazde, Salko Obhodjas said that this press conference was not aiming at self-promotion, but presenting the most important information on the work of this Government, based on which the public would assess its work efficiency.
The fact that the Government held 45 sessions in 2005 and made around 1000 decisions tells us that the Government was not engaged in own problems, but the most important issues of the citizens and realization of decisions made by the Cantonal Assembly.
Speaking of the most important work results of the Government of BPC Gorazde, he emphasized stabilization of the Cantonal budget, settling internal debts, regular payment of salaries and other reimbursements to the employees and creation of conditions for application of the General Collective Agreement in 2006 and increase of salaries to all who get paid from the budget.
This Canton, as the first one in the Federation BiH, adopted the Law on supplementary rights of veterans and their families. Beside this one, 5 more laws have been adopted and three more are in the stage of preparation. Transparent and team work, respecting the legality, especially the Law on budget realization, rational expenditure of the budget funds, discipline and work of all employees are only some of the guidelines in assessment of the work of this Government.
The Ministers and Secretary of the Government introduced the journalists with the concrete information from the field of their own work and on this occasion it was announced that bulletin, containing the information from all sessions of the Government in 2005, would be published soon.
At the press conference, the Prime Minister and members of the Government stressed that they were proud of many projects that were accomplished or started during the last year, such as construction of the building for accommodation of representatives of veterans and members of their families, construction of the building called “Dom” which should be accomplished in 2006, the year in which the Government also announced construction of new housing units.
On this occasion the Prime Minister declared the most successful Ministry and Minister for 2005 and the titles belonged to the Ministry of veterans’ affairs and its Minister Nermana Sofovic.
At the end of the press conference, members of the Government of Bosnian-Podrinje canton Gorazde sent their messages of congratulations to the citizens in New 2006.