The Government of BPC Gorazde appropriated funds to the Cantonal Labor union to help socially jeopardized workers
At the 51st regular session, the Government of Bosnia-Podrinje canton Gorazde appropriated funds to the amount of KM 10.000 to help socially jeopardized workers in this Canton. Among these workers there were also workers from the former chemical industry “Azot”, who, starting from 11th February, went on a hunger strike on the factory grounds. The workers of the former “Azot” Vitkovici rejected the Government’s offer, demanding funds to the amount of KM 15.000 for purpose of solving their own problems.
Taking into consideration the above developments and the recent media statements concerning the strike the Government of Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Gorazde issued a Statement explaining its role in the entire process with a special emphasis that the Government was not a party in the dispute and that all claims of the workers that were subject to the final court decisions were a matter of the employers and workers.