Parliamentarians of the Assembly of Bosnian-Podrinje canton Gorazde accepted the resignation of the Prime Minister of Bosnian-Podrinje canton Gorazde, Salko Obhodjas in the emergency session held on 19 January 2006. Voting with 14 votes in favor, 1 opposed and 10 abstentions, they made decision on dismissal. The decision was the result of the explicit request of OHR, without any right to appeal. The deadline for submission of resignation was 20 January 2006 and the reason was, as it was stated in the explanation, violation of the Election Law.
It should be pointed out that parliamentarians, members of the Party of Democratic Action in the Assembly of BPC Gorazde formerly postponed declaring themselves on the resignation of Prime Minister Obhodjas, until they had all relevant opinions if the Prime Minister really violated the Election Law, according to which he had to resign his post. At the request of OHR, without any answers, given that sanctions would be imposed to Bosnian-Podrinje canton Gorazde and the Party of Democratic Action in case the Prime Minister did not resign, parliamentarians of SDA, who are majority in the Cantonal Assembly, accepted the resignation of the Prime Minister.
In the break of the session the associates of the Prime Minister, employees in the Cantonal administration and workers from “Azot” said goodbye to him, many of them in tears and presented him with appropriate gift.
On the proposal of the Cantonal Committee of SDA and by majority votes, Nazif Uruci, former Minister of social affairs, health, displaced persons and refugees was appointed new Prime Minister in the course of the session after the break. Actual Ministers of economy, finances, interiors, urbanism, education, veterans’ affairs and justice retained their posts and the post of Minister of social affairs will be filled up subsequently.
After that, the newly elected Prime Minister of BPC Gorazde, Nazif Uruci expressed his gratitude for the shown confidence and emphasized that the continuity of the former Government would be continued in realization of many activities and tasks that were planed in this year.